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Hamstel Infant School and Nursery
Hamstel Road, Southend on Sea, Essex, SS2 4PQ - 01702 468461
Part of the Portico Academy Trust
opening doors, unlocking potential

Latest News

Key Stage 1 Christmas Cross Country
On Tuesday 6th December 12 children from Year 1 and 12 children from Year 2 represented our school at the Christmas Cross Country event...

Remembrance Service 2022
Hamstel Infant School and Nursery held their Remembrance service on Friday 11th November 2022. The school commemorates this special event...

Year 1 Trip to The Hive
Year 1 have had a brilliant time on their first visit to The Hive. We are using this trip as an exciting way to learn about the changing...

Year 2 Outdoor Learning
Year 2 have been fortunate to work with our STEM ambassador Petra Holly again this school year. During their Outdoor Learning days each...

Hamstel Infant School have a new Reading Assistant!
Ben the dog, is our new Reading Assistant! The Reception children at Hamstel Infant School have been very excited to have Ben our trained...

KS1 Cross Country Competition
On Wednesday 5th October, we took 12 Year 1 and 12 Year 2 children to Garon Park to take part in the KS1 Cross country competition. It...

Nite Owls visit Year 2
On Monday 10th October our Year 2 children were excited to have some special visitors for the morning. Some stunning Owls came to visit...

Harvest Festival 2022
On Thursday 29th September we celebrated our Harvest Festival with a special assembly for the children in Years 1 and 2. The assembly was...

Portico Art and Design Festival
For the last three weeks of the summer term, our Portico Art and Design Festival travelled between our Portico schools, Friars Primary...

Commonwealth Games KS1 Celebration
On Thursday 7th July, 29 Year 2 children headed off to Eastwood Academy to take part in a fun morning of activities. The event was...
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