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Mental Health & Wellbeing

The school sees emotional health and well-being as a key contributor to outcomes for children. Being able to manage feelings, cope with setbacks, be sensitive to others’ feelings and needs, managing worries and stress, sharing feelings and knowing when and who to ask for help are essential skills we aim to develop in every child. We also offer support, advice, information and sign-posting to parents/ carers and to staff.

In 2017 – 18 our project is to further enhance emotional health and well-being for all groups.

The children have had lessons in yoga and meditation and teachers in Year 1 and some of our specialist bases have been trained to continue with this approach to feelings and anxiety management.

All the children have seen and discussed a play developed by student at SEC on being different and the importance of telling someone when you have a problem.

Children have been taught about the importance of sleep, trained staff have run sleep workshops for parents and received information and advice on ways to improve sleep behaviours.

We have created new policies on Well-Being and Mental Health which have been developed with staff and they are accessible to parents on the school website. The Personal, Social, Health and Economic curriculum has been tracked so ensure mental health is addressed in age appropriate ways in each year group.

The value of animals and nature to feelings of well-being, emotional health, calmness and caring is recognised in this school and we have set up opportunities for children to engage directly with animals and nature through special events, weekly Pets as Therapy sessions, timetabled outdoor learning time, etc. The children thrive with these opportunities and we see this in their progress as learners and as members of the school community   


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