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Year 1 Trip to The Hive

Year 1 have had a brilliant time on their first visit to The Hive. We are using this trip as an exciting way to learn about the changing seasons and all about Autumn.

We were all so sensible walking up to Garon Park and back and did fantastic listening to make sure we stayed safe near the roads.

Once at The Hive, we had a chance to explore this new and exciting area. We looked for the different signs of Autumn and found lots of different coloured leaves that had fallen off the trees. The children loved spotting the mushrooms growing around the old logs and in the grass.

We could hear lots of different birds singing and met a very friendly robin.

When we returned to school we made lovely Autumnal pictures using our foraged woodland leaves and sticks.

We cannot wait to visit The Hive again to discover how it will change in Winter!


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