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Healthy Schools Workshop Feedback September 2024

What did you find particularly useful or informative?

“The amount of sugar that was in things. It was things that I felt I already should know but needed a reminder and a push to keep making the healthier choices. Was really interesting and a really good idea to bring the adults with the children to make it fun.”

“With so much new information recently (our daughter starting reception school a week ago), all of the information provided in the presentation was useful, even if repeated.  The practical session of getting our daughter to create a vegetable/fruit kebab was fun, enjoyable and healthy for her.”

“Mostly the dental side, how you should have sugary foods with a meal.”

“I was glad to hear the importance of teeth health is addressed and discussed in school.”

“The amount of sugar in snacks. The tooth brushing lady was really helpful!”

“Statistics were interesting and is useful to know. The sugar content of different foods in comparison to cubes of sugar to help make better choices and times at which is best to consume fruit.”

“The amount of sugar that was in certain foods.”

“About how important using cups are rather than bottles. And lunch box ideas very helpful.”

“In regards to sugar intake and some of the food items that are marketed as healthy but actually have high sugar content.”

“The statistics about diet were eye opening and definitely made me rethink a lot of the snacks and packed lunch fillings we have got into bad habits of eating! Also, the fruit /veg kebabs were great fun and something we have introduced at home already.”


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