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Healthy Schools Workshop

This week we had a great turn out for our Healthy Schools Workshop, we were welcomed by the school nurse, a health practitioner from Health4Life and a member of the Community Dental Service.

The children joined us after the talk and they had the opportunity to share a healthy book, colour their favourite fruits and vegetables and play a shopping game. They also took part in some physical activities on the playground and role play in the hall. They particularly enjoyed the role play dentist and cleaning the dirty teeth with toothbrushes. The fruit and vegetable kebabs looked delicious and it was lovely to see the children using their cutting skills to create their own kebab.

Please continue to encourage your child to have the hot meal option on the school menu and enjoy making some of the meals with your children at home. If you need any support with fussy eaters, healthy lifestyles or oral health care do not hesitate to come and ask, I can point you in the right direction for help.

Thank you to those parents who attended the workshop and I hope you found the information useful and informative.

Miss Golding – Healthy Schools Lead


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