Boom Whaker workshop
On Tuesday 21st May the school had a day of boom whaker sessions run by the Rhythm Connections team.
The children each had a session with their classes in the hall and were able to explore the instruments and then be shown how to play and use them properly. The children were able to take turns in trying out different roles such as conducting the rest of their class, playing in tune to follow a song and progressing through the session. They were able to explore the beat and rhythm of songs which linked to what we have been learning in our weekly music lessons as well as work with in their class to do this!
The sessions were varied and progressive for the year groups from reception to year 2 and each where just as engaging! The children were focused and joined in through out.
The staff were just as enthusiastic to join in with the children and learnt lots of key skills and ideas of how to use the Boom whakers within their lessons!
This workshop was funded by Music on Sea supported by funding from Arts Council England. You can find out more about Music on Sea by visiting