
Hamstel Infant School and Nursery
Hamstel Road, Southend on Sea, Essex, SS2 4PQ - 01702 468461
Part of the Portico Academy Trust
opening doors, unlocking potential

Parent Council
The Parent Council is made up of representatives from each class in the Infant school and Nursery, meetings are held half termly with a senior member of staff in the school. The aim of the Parent Council is to further develop and improve two-way communications between the staff and parents, so as to benefit the children and their experiences of school and learning. Where open lines of communication can be created we are more likely to have meaningful discussions that result in successful decisions that are agreed and understood by all.
The views of parents are important to us and before each Parent Council meeting a communication will be sent advising the date of the next meeting. To raise points to be discussed at a meeting please either speak with the class representative or email the school office.
The minutes of each meeting are shared via the class representatives and on the website on this web page. Your class Councillors for this year are shown below and they are happy to discuss the outcome of meetings with you. If you have questions or a subject you wish to have raised in the meetings please speak to them. Items should be of general interest and not be a single query regarding yourself or your child. Feel free to tell us the things we are doing well as well as suggestions for improvements or new ideas.
Parent Council Representatives 2023-24
Parent Councillors are needed for this class
Parent Councillors are needed for this class
Parent Councillors are needed for this class
Parent Councillors are needed for this class
Parent Councillors are needed for this class
Parent Councillors are needed for this class
Parent Councillors are needed for this class
Parent Councillors are needed for this class
Parent Councillors are needed for this class
Parent Councillors are needed for this class
Ms M Whipps
Parent Councillors are needed for this class
Parent Councillors are needed for this class
Mr M Driscoll
Mrs P Webster
Parent Councillors are needed for this class
We welcome additional Parent Council representatives.
If you are interested in being a Parent Councillor for any of the year groups that are not currently represented please contact Mrs Morris via the school office –