Hamstel Infant School and Nursery
Hamstel Road, Southend on Sea, Essex, SS2 4PQ - 01702 468461
Part of the Portico Academy Trust
opening doors, unlocking potential
At Hamstel Infant and Nursery School we believe in providing a rich Science Curriculum that encourages children to be inquisitive. As a school, we want to inspire children to experience and observe the natural wonders of the world around them. This is predominately delivered through our themes by giving all children opportunities to grow their knowledge, ask questions, extend their vocabulary and develop their scientific skills.
In EYFS science is taught through our half-termly themes, giving meaning and context to the children’s learning. Topics are revisited throughout nursery and reception to gradually build knowledge and skills. Science is taught through a range of adult-led activities and child-initiated learning. Adult-led activities are carefully planned to ensure progression in knowledge and skills as the year progresses. Continuous provision allows children to explore, experiment and embed the new knowledge and skills they have acquired. Opportunities for practical science and explorative play allow children to develop their sense of enquiry and questioning.
In KS1 the Science units are blocked and planned for carefully through our themes. These provide a context for the children’s learning. The children have opportunities to embed a variety of skills and build on their prior knowledge throughout the key stage. All children have opportunities to practice and develop their scientific skills through observation and practical lessons in a range of environments.