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Here at Hamstel Infants and Nursery School we aim for all of our children to have enriched learning opportunities and become independent, healthy and responsible members of our community. Our aims are in line with the Every Child Matters documentation;

  • Be Healthy

  • Stay Safe

  • Enjoy and Achieve

  • Make a Positive Contribution

  • Achieve Economic Well-Being


In PSHE the children learn about healthy lifestyles, how to maintain this physically, mentally and emotionally, as well as relationships and living in the wider world, all of which link to the Fundamental British Values.

PSHE is taught in stand-alone lessons and is also incorporated into our themes by using cross curricular links of which thread through a variety of subjects, for example P.E., R.E and Science. The children learn through discussions, assemblies, collective worship, circle times and group work in class. We believe in providing the children with enhanced vocabulary and deepened knowledge to allow them to grow, learn and be encouraged to develop their self-worth and have a positive mindset.

PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education)

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