Hamstel Infant School and Nursery
Hamstel Road, Southend on Sea, Essex, SS2 4PQ - 01702 468461
Part of the Portico Academy Trust
opening doors, unlocking potential
Library Ambassadors
At Hamstel Infant School and Nursery we have a team of 8, Year 2 children who have been voted in by their class peers to help look after our library. These children have been chosen to be our role models to advocate a positive use of the library as well as Reading for Pleasure around the school.
As part of their role they demonstrate the expectation of using and looking after our school library which is used by all. Another part of the role is to help promote Reading for Pleasure across our school, maybe providing recommendations for books, ideas and communicating these with their classes or through assemblies.
The Eco committee
Each year the classes vote for a representative for their class to be on the Eco Committee, making 12 members in total. To support the voting process the children discuss the importance of being part of the Eco Committee and the role they would play. The children then put themselves forward if they were interested in representing their class. The Eco Committee then meet regularly to discuss any environmental issues raised or projects they may be working on.
Eco committee responsibilities include:
Ensuring everyone in the school turns off the lights and any unused electrical items when everyone leaves the classroom.
Ensuring litter is placed in the correct bins. We have green bins for recycling and red bins for non-recycling.
Using litter pickers around the school to clear up any rubbish and help keep the environment tidy.