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At Hamstel Infant School and Nursery, we believe that learning within Art, Craft and Design stimulates creativity and imagination. It provides expressive opportunities and a creative way of understanding and responding to the world. 

We aim for our Art curriculum to inspire, engage and challenge children; enabling pupils to communicate what they see, feel and think through the use of colour, texture, form and pattern. 

Children will become involved in shaping their environment through art activities, involving different creative techniques. They will explore ideas and meaning through the work of artists and build upon skills and knowledge as they progress throughout the school. Throughout their time at Hamstel Infant School and Nursery, all children will have the opportunity to participate in a range of creative experiences, in our specialised Art Room, which will be embedded and linked across our thematic curriculum. 

Hamstel Infant School and Nursery is currently working towards gaining an Artsmark accreditation, focusing on how the school promotes arts and culture in the curriculum and community. The children enjoy participating in community projects, like Herd in the City and Hares About Town.


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