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Our Science Curriculum Intent

At Hamstel Infant School and Nursery we understand the importance of the teaching of science to develop curious, engaged learners. We want all children to be passionate about science from EYFS and throughout their primary education. Our Hamstel Headlines form part of our drive for quality first teaching in science across the school.  

 We aim:

  • To develop a practical and engaging curriculum that focuses on sequences of key foundational knowledge and concepts.

  • For all children to be excited and engaged in science and develop a sense of curiosity about natural phenomena.

  • For children to be confident in their use of subject specific vocabulary and use accurately when communicating their understanding.

  • To offer first hand experiences through a variety of enquiry based learning.

  • To develop children’s understanding of scientific ideas by using scientific enquiry opportunities to pose and answer questions.

  • That by the end of Key Stage One, children will have the knowledge and skills to allow them to progress further in their science learning.

 This will be achieved by:

  • Science learning being linked to our themes where possible

  • Promoting scientific curiosity using our school grounds and our local community to enhance science learning

  • Teaching deliberate subject specific vocabulary to enhance vocabulary development

  • Modelling key vocabulary and the use of stem sentences support children’s articulation and oracy skills

  • A carefully planned science curriculum that shows progression and sequenced lessons from Nursery to end of KS1.

  • Adapting outcomes, tasks and resources to meet the needs of all children

  • Use of formative assessment to build on previous learning and move learning forward

  • Having a range of resources to enhance the teaching and learning of science

How will we know we have achieved our aims?

  • Children will use scientific vocabulary correctly to communicate their understanding

  • Children will begin to make connections from science to other curriculum areas

  • Children will develop their enquiry skills, and inquisitiveness in their science learning

  • Children will become competent in age-appropriate observing, classifying, comparing, analysing  and communicating scientific information

  • Children will become independent thinkers and problem solvers

  • The learning of science is loved by teachers and children across the school

  • Teachers have high expectations and children make good progress across their science lessons

  • All children speak confidently and positively about their science learning


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Tel: 01702 468461  /   /  Hamstel Infant School & Nursery Hamstel Road, Southend on Sea, Essex, SS2 4PQ

                  Part of the Portico Academy Trust - opening doors, unlocking potential -

                  Portico House, 59 Ronald Hill Grove, Leigh-On-Sea, Essex, SS9 2JB - 01702 987890

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