
হামস্টেল ইনফ্যান্ট স্ক ুল এন্ড নার্সারি
হামস্টেল রোড, সাউথহ্যান্ড অন সি, এসেক্স, এসএস 2 4 পিকিউ - 01702 468461
পোর্টিকো একাডেমি ট্রাস্টের অংশ
দরজা খোলার, সম্ভাব্য আনলক করা

We believe that PSHE and RSE education is an important and necessary part of all children’s education. It gives children the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves heathy and safe and to prepare them for life and work in modern Britain.
PSHE and RSE is embedded into our school value ‘We Care’ and is taught as part of a broad and balanced curriculum.
PSHE is valued as part of our curriculum and is taught as a standalone subject on a weekly basis. Meaningful links are made wherever possible, for example with science, PE and maths.
Our planning is guided by the PSHE Association to ensure we provide a comprehensive programme that includes the statutory content of RSE. We teach children about age-appropriate protected characteristics through many of our PSHE topics.
We have chosen to teach relationships education using Yasmin and Tom, NSPCC Pants resources and PSHE Association resources. These materials are shared with parents each year to ensure that they are fully aware of what their children will be taught.
We have decided to put a strong emphasis on Health and Wellbeing due to local and national data, research and the views of our school community. We have recently been accredited with Healthy Schools Status (HSS) which ensures we have a clear focus on improving the health and wellbeing of children, staff, parents and carers in the school community.