
Hamstel Infant School and Nursery
Hamstel Road, Southend on Sea, Essex, SS2 4PQ - 01702 468461
Part of the Portico Academy Trust
opening doors, unlocking potential

At Hamstel Infant and Nursery School we believe reading is an essential life skill and all children have the entitlement to read, enjoy and develop knowledge from a wealth of books.
We aim:
To promote the love of reading and the application of skills for reading in a clear and sustainable way to ensure all children make progress. Our Hamstel Headlines help drive our commitment to all our children receiving quality first teaching in reading. We ensure that children have opportunities to read for a range of purposes. We break down our reading curriculum into 3 key areas:
Word Reading
Reading for Meaning
Reading for Pleasure
Through these key areas of our reading curriculum we aim:
For every child to become a confident and fluent reader
To develop a rich reading culture through our school, encouraging reading for pleasure in school and home
For all children in EYFS to develop a clear understanding of language alongside the beginnings of word and sentence reading
To teach the systematic phonic programme, RWInc with fidelity ensuring every child learns to read
To use interventions so no child is left behind
That by the end of KS1, all children have the skills to access and read books appropriate to their age independently
Children enjoy reading a range of books for pleasure
This will be achieved by:
Daily phonic lessons using RWInc as a systematic approach, taught with confidence across the school
Using RWInc assessments to inform one to one tutoring interventions to support children’s phonic gaps
Whole Class Reading in Year 2 once children have finished the RWInc programme
RWInc Book Bag Books to read at home linked to the children phonic stage
Book talk to develop early comprehension skills across the curriculum
Use of Stem Sentences to support children’s oracy skills to communicate their understanding of books in full sentences
Providing a book rich curriculum and themes to help the children make links and enthuse their learning
Developing the children’s vocabulary knowledge and understanding through reading stories and book talk
Using the EYFS Literacy Progress Model Checkpoints and the end of KS1 Assessment Framework to make informed judgements to meet ELG and the end of KS1 expectations
Providing book rich environments with quality books to drive a love for reading and promote our WE CARE values
Daily story times so the enjoy children build a repertoire of favourite and common books
Provide opportunities for independent reading to build a reading community
Provide a wide range of enrichment opportunities to enhance our reading curriculum
How will we know we have achieved our aims?
All children have the fundamental skills and understanding to read age appropriate books
Outstanding phonics teaching ensures that all children read with confidence and accuracy
Children have an excellent start of learning to read and apply their knowledge and skills of reading confidently and independently
The children enjoy reading a variety of age appropriate books
The children are engaged and positive about reading
Children can communicate with confidence their understanding of books and have improved language acquisition to talk about books
Children make excellent progress in reading and are confident, independent readers by the end of KS1