
Hamstel Infant School and Nursery
Hamstel Road, Southend on Sea, Essex, SS2 4PQ - 01702 468461
Part of the Portico Academy Trust
opening doors, unlocking potential

At Hamstel Infant and Nursery School we aim for our children to leave Year 2 with the ability to write in a fast, fluent, legible and sustainable style across all subject areas. Strong emphasis is put on the correct formation of letters and numbers.
We recognise handwriting as a developmental process that requires a range of skills including physical strength, visual perception and both gross and fine motor skills. Handwriting is a taught skill, which requires careful and consistent instruction with regular opportunities for practice.
Our Handwriting scheme is based on PenPals for Handwriting along with the advice and guidance from the National Handwriting Association (NHA). Preparation for handwriting is an essential requirement to successful handwriting, the ‘P’ checks (Posture, Pencil, Paper and Pressure) developed by the NHA help to focus teachers and pupils on important features of the physical writing process and establish good habits. Efficient and effective pencil grip is directly taught and encouraged.
Handwriting in EYFS
During the Early Years children are encouraged to explore and experiment with a wide range of mark-making tools. Particular tools are encouraged to develop an age-appropriate and efficient grip. Gross and fine motor activities are an integral part of daily activities and learning opportunities, both adult and child-led, are carefully planned to promote the development of muscle groups needed for successful preparation for handwriting.
All children are taught to write lines and patterns for example straight lines, curves, zig-zags and circles before moving onto letter formation.
Handwriting in KS1
Consolidation of correct letter formation is a key focus before the children move onto learning to join the letters.

Parent feedback from Reception Handwriting workshop October 2023
"The activities where very helpful and will also be doing these at home now, thank you."
"The way teachers teach the children the writing techniques. Learning the different ways to help my child. Was amazing"
"Great it was lovely to spend time with my daughter in her school environment"
"The way teachers teach the children the writing techniques. Learning the different ways to help my child. Was amazing"
"Learning all the activities and different ways to develop children's skills. Also learning the different stages so I know what to focus on to help my child."